Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Few days ago, Vincent told me that he couldn’t exempt for bahasa kebangsaan A.

Actually he was taking STPM with flying colour result to apply for exemption, his head of school told him because of the STPM syllabus was not same with the current subject which bahasa kebangsaan A, so they not allowed Vincent to exempt and he has to take this subject,CRAP! I wondering that why other university like UTAR can ever allow STPM holder to exempt it. Some more I can also exempt this subject due to I had taken similar subject during Diploma. Ray told me he can exempt for this subject and any STPM holder can exempt this subject in UTAR

It is really make me mad with this, such a makan duit university, it is not only wasting time to take this subject, wasting money some more.

This subject is 3 credit hours, my course is RM400 per credit hour, which is the highest price among many course in KLIUC, which mean I have to pay extra RM1200 and extra effort to care about this LAN subject!

However , both of us are trying to appeal for this. I don’t want wasting my time and money due to this subject!

God Bless Me !

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